4.4. revtex4-2#

last update: Feb 07, 2024

4.4.1. preamble.tex#

% set margins
% math
% physics
% itembox
% algorithm
% vector graphics
% comment
% dummy text
% image position
% Align table columns on decimal point

% style setting
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
\allowdisplaybreaks[1] % allow page breaks in equations. takes an integer from 0-4. 4 is the most permissive.
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %

% number figures, tables and equations within the sections
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %

% Logic and proofs
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %


% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %

4.4.2. main.tex#

% landscape
% footinbib for PRL




\author{Name 1}
    Dept.\ of Physics, The University of ~, address, city, country

\author{Name 2}
    Dept.\ of Physics, The University of ~, address, city, country













4.4.3. Output#

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