7.1. Firefox Security Settings#

last update: Feb 07, 2024

7.1.1. Security Add-ons#

7.1.2. Secure Internet Connection#

  • Use VPN

  • Enable Cloudfare

  • Enable ECH

  • Disable WebRTC


Virtual private network (VPN) can provide several benefits, such as hiding your IP address, encrypting your internet traffic, and allowing you to access content that may be restricted in your region.

Enable DoH (DNS-over-HTTPS) with Cloudflare#

  1. Open Firefox and go to about:preferences#general.

  2. Scroll down to Network Settings and click on Settings....

  3. Select Enable DNS over HTTPS and select Cloudflare as provider.

  4. Click OK and close the tab.


  1. Open Firefox and go to about:config.

  2. Search for network.trr.

  3. Set network.trr.mode to 2 or 3 (2: TRR first, fallback to DNS, 3: TRR only)

  4. Set network.trr.uri to https://mozilla.cloudflare-dns.com/dns-query.

Enable ECH (Encrypted Client Hello)#

  1. Open Firefox and go to about:config.

  2. Search for network.dns.

  3. Set network.dns.echconfig.enabled to true.

  4. Set network.dns.http3_echconfig.enabled to true.

Disable WebRTC#


👉 WebRTC stands for Web Real-Time Communication. It is a technology that allows audio and video communication over the internet directly between browsers, without the need for plugins or external software. While it can be useful for video conferencing and other real-time communication, it can also potentially leak your IP address, which is a privacy concern. Disabling WebRTC in your browser can help prevent IP leaks.

Disable WebRTC:

  1. Open Firefox and go to about:config.

  2. Search for media.peerconnection.enabled and set it to false.

WebRTC Leak Shield: This extension can switch the setting above easily.

7.1.3. Test#

If you pass Cloudflare Browser Check, you can see:

Cloudflare Browser Check